Brand Consultancy

1:1 private sessions 

How do you want others to perceive you? How can you showcase what sets you apart from the competition? How can you make your services and products stand out in your industry? Brand consultancy will provide you with the guide you need to make your brand more competitive. 

  The goal of these sessions:

To identify and develop effective solutions to: brand identity, brand perception, web design, social media presence, service or products design.

This is the service for you if you want to take a more strategic approach to your brand decisions.
– 242€  60 min one online session
– 650€  3h one online session. (850€ in person)*

+ PRE-SESSION QUESTIONAIRE so we can focus on what’s important for you.
+ FINAL DOC with notes OR VÍDEO the nexts two days of the meeting (only on 3h sessions). 

+ Brand identity: Identify what works and what can be improved to have a coherent brand image aligned to brand objetives.
+ Branding: Identifying the brand’s target audience, brand archetype, values, competitors, and market position to develop a differentiated brand positioning strategy.
+ Brand messaging: Review your brand messaging and check if it communicates the brand’s unique value proposition (UVP) in a clear way.
+ Brand architecture: Assessing the brand’s portfolio and developing a brand architecture that supports the brand’s overall strategy.
+ Brand experience: Evaluating the customer experience across all touchpoints and identifying opportunities to improve the brand’s overall customer experience.
+ Website, products, packaging, service revision, and more…

*Only Barcelona city and surrounding 
** Special price for Juno members. Contact direct to book here.

From the first moment I felt heard and understood.

Working with Mercy has brought us peace and order, as well as increased focus and meaning to our brand. We have gone from having a brand identity that didn’t work for us to one that we love

Also, we discover some main problems that our brands where having but weren’t able to identify so clearly.  She help us make very strategic changes that make a huge difference on our business results. We were lucky to be recommended to work with her.

maria josé g.


It can vary depending if it’s for a personal brand or a company. Once you make a reservation, you will get more Information.

Normally our clients book the consultancy services 2-8 weeks ahead.  So if you would like to work with us we recommend that you contact us as soon as you can.

No we don’t. Thanks for the understanding.

Yes! you can. Send us and email to info[@] to book more sessions or contact us.

Of Course! You can send us an email regarding any doubt you have. 


Branding workshops & conferences

If you’re a company or small brand seeking team training or development for new services, products, or experiences, our workshops are the perfect solution. 

With experiential exercises and methodologies, we’ll help you define the best actions to create a cohesive brand strategy, develop new products that align with your corporate values and vision, and create meaningful experiences in a productive and inspiring work environment.

When your entire team is on the same page, they become your best brand ambassadors. I have extensive experience working with multidisciplinary teams and am passionate about exploring the potential of the projects I collaborate on.

Contact me to find out which format would be best for your business.

we have worked with: